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N25 reflux still electropolishing  Micro continuous still Fractional reflux still


Please check the row of buttons at the left of the page, choose one of your interests, and press.
Planning to buy or build your alcohol still and to start ethanol production, so we are making and selling alcohol stills of different sizes and configurations. You can find here an alcohol distillation unit to suit your particular needs. We have the homebrew stills for hobby brewing, small-scale fuel ethanol production, and small commercial application. We always will be happy to help you to make the right choice or custom build the still for you.

Please check the row of buttons at the left of the page, choose one of your interests, and press.

Also, if you wish to build your distiller with your own hands, then you can buy construction plans here as well.

N25 reflux alcohol still



 N25 fractional still - USA $1000.00 (plus delivery)

Column: 38mm diameter and 800mm high, no plastic parts in construction - material: stainless steel, boiler 25L capacity equipped with 1.5kw element. Produces 95% alcohol at 1.5L per hour, manually controlled reflux ratio...

more info

Here are our customers' responses:

"Dear Ferromit

I am writing to let you know how delighted I am with the N25.

Rarely is it that an item lives up to the claims made by its’ maker. The N25 ran exactly as you stated. It stripped a very cloudy wash at 3 litres per hour producing a 50% crystal clear product and when this product was rerun with the fractionating column installed the resultant product measured 96% . There was none of that constant fiddling with output temperatures simply an initial rate adjustment on the reflux valve when the second run started followed up by a another adjustment towards the end. I commend you on a well built, good looking product that performs brilliantly. I am so pleased I did not go down the Turbo 500 route..."

  "N25   Alex
  I opened your N25 yesterday.
  I must say I am most impressed with the build standard. Truly a lovely item.
  Later that same day I saw a Turbo 500 for the first time and in comparison – well there is no comparison!..."

"Alex, I would like to thank you and your crew for a brilliant still. I have made plenty of really good alcohol since purchasing it last year. Absolutely brilliant. A top quality product, thank you and good luck with your business
Regards Dave"

Everyone knows that many websites sell plans for distillation equipment and almost none of them show their alcohol distillers working. At the same time, on pages of this site, you'll find many videos of our distillers in action so you will find no gimmicks here.

On the map below you can see some locations of our customers.

Map of Ferromit customers location

Apart from ethanol-related pages on this website, we will share our experience in building budget electric scooters, cars, and electric bike conversion.

We hope that you’ll find Ferromit.com useful for you, and if you have any comments or questions, then you are welcome to submit your feedback on the contact page of our site, and with your help, we will make this site better.


ethanol still plans

Still building plans

15L alcohol still
15L still for sale
fuel ethanol still
Fuel ethanol still.25L Fractional Still
25L fractional still.

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